Communicating The Project
Communicating the Project to the general public, as a rule, contributes to its better financial performance and commercial utilization, while its promotion to the academic / research community aims at disseminating the acquired knowledge and suggesting any necessary modifications towards its optimization. Aiming at such a broad but also in depth communication, various promotional actions are planned:
- Taking part in exhibitions and conferences, as well as co-organizing with Eastern Macedonia & Thrace Region, Municipalities and Local Bodies workshops throughout the execution of the Project. Finally, when the Project is complete, a final meeting with all stakeholders will take place.
- Publishing articles, more than four (4), in international scientific journals with reviewers as well as presenting papers, at least six (6), in international scientific conferences with reviewers, facilitate knowledge transmission and deriving from Project’s execution scientific results dissemination. It is noted that for Project’s scientific results public advertising, the respective scientific repositories as well as the corresponding pages, both individual, like Research Gate, and laboratories’ ones are going to be used.
- At the same time, and in order to promote the Project itself and to announce its progress stages along with their corresponding results, a dynamic website is developed with regular updates and social media platforms, such as Facebook, microblogs such as Twitter, thematic social networks, such as YouTube, Instagram etc subscription is undergone. The goal is to take advantage of all possible benefits of online social networks, such as the ability to communicate with a very large audience from around the world, the ability to search and find information in any format (text, image, video) in real time, as well as the possibility of cooperation, experience and views sharing. Therefore, in addition to ZARIFOPOULOS SA websites and corresponding social media, Democritus University of Thrace respective websites and social media accounts will be used, providing a potential audience that easily exceeds 20,000 individual users.
- Furthermore, content for local press as well as Eastern Macedonia & Thrace Region’s media is produced, in order for comprehensive information regarding Project’s progress and results to be promoted.
- A seminar / conference on the planned research of smart and efficient waste collection field, addressed mainly, but not limited, to multiple Engineering specialties will be organized. At the seminar / conference the involved and respective bodies of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace Region, Academics, Researchers, Professional Engineers of various related specialties, Economic and Commercial world Representatives are to be invited.
- A relevant application for Project’s results copyright will be submitted.
- Finally, in order to provide parallel access to multiple users, a web application resulting from the proposed system which can be installed on tablets and smartphones, as well as the use of new technologies in data presentation will be designed and used in the future.